Margrit Ulrich
Margrit was born and raised in Costa Rica to Swiss-German parents; she blends the well-organized, perfectionist, and detailed personality of a Swiss watch and the easiness and effervescence enthusiasm of the tropics.
After high school, she had the life-changing opportunity to live in Germany and work with Mentally and physically Disabled Adults for over a year, there she learned one of her most treasured lessons “No matter the language, the age, or your attributes, we all are the same and we all need the same, love for one another”; “I learned how to work with people who need your attention 24/7; I learned patience and how to read faces and body language instead of depending on words, people will forget what you showed, taught or talked to them but they will never forget how you made them feel" she says.
As per her return to Costa Rica, by destiny's well-played cards, she ends up being hired by a nature tour company because of her language skills. She felt the call to be a naturalist guide, a job that allowed her to translate the mysteries of tropical ecosystems. So, she went back to university to major in Management of Natural Resources and Tropical Ecology.
She was discovered by Lindblad Expeditions in the year 2000 and since then, Margit has been actively working on many roles and many destinations around the globe, growing as a better human on every voyage.
My upcoming expeditions
Fire and Ice: An 8-Day Sail Around Iceland
The Canadian Maritimes and Newfoundland