After spending the previous night observing the power of Mother Nature in the spectacular eruption of Wolf Volcano, one of the towering northern volcanoes of Isabela Island, our captain set course for Bartolome Island.

With its bizarre landscape of different volcanic formations colored by oxidation from different geological ages, Bartolome is a landmark of the Galapagos archipelago. A walk up 365 wooden steps led us to a breathtaking view of the volcanic landscape.  

After breakfast, we prepared for water activities such as glass-bottom boat rides, snorkeling or just relaxing on the beach. The clear waters let us easily explore the underwater realm where we saw sea lions, different schools of fish as well as stingrays. While observing the laborious work done by ghost crabs, guests on the beach also enjoyed the surprise of a heron chasing small fish.

In the afternoon, we explored the basaltic shoreline of Santiago Island by Zodiacs. The impressive volcanic formation of Sombrero Chino captivated our explorers as we looked for Galapagos penguins, blue-footed boobies, pelicans and herons. The afternoon ended with a colorful sunset and the delightful sight of 15-inch high penguins heading back to their nesting grounds. Another wonderful day in paradise.