Our first day exploring the Caribbean coast of Colombia began by exploring a protected mangrove estuary in Cispata Bay. Right after sunrise, we loaded local outboard engine boats (pangas) and left to explore the protected mangrove forests. Several large-billed terns, together with sandwich terns, were doing short plunge dives to catch their morning meals. Egrets, herons, and many other species of birds were also in search of their meal. We were delighted with the birding activities around this productive estuary.

For many years, the population of American crocodile in the bay was declining because of poaching. An organization known as Asocaiman has been reintroducing the American crocodile in this estuary and we had the opportunity to release several juvenile crocodiles into the water.

Our afternoon activities were held in the private reserve of Sanguare. Endemic birds of the region were seen by some of our guests. Others enjoyed the tropical water by kayaking or just relaxing along the beach.

Our activities ended with a cultural program. A local band performed Caribbean music along with dances. We loved it all and embarked National Geographic Quest to share our joy from the day.