This morning we awoke in the calm waters of Khutze Inlet surrounded by swirling fog and tree-covered mountains. Hot coffee warmed us as we prepared for our day. Light drizzle accompanied our excursions as we explored the inlet on the rising tide. The morning Zodiac cruise revealed many species of birds and half a dozen harbor seals lounging about on a log near the mouth of the Khutze River. As the tide continued to fall, harbor seals made the most of the mud flats along the river edge—an isolated space to rest and warm up after their morning fishing foray. The photography team keeps us engaged in our artistic pursuits by sharing many tips and tricks as the voyage progresses. Many of us enjoyed the morning exploring the tidal zones in our kayaks. There is a sense of wonder in the air as we settle into this magical landscape. A river otter swam by and gave us a view leaving behind a shell from a crab breakfast. A humpback whale made a brief appearance after lunch as we made our way north preparing for our night crossing of Hecate Strait. We enjoyed several programs in the cozy lounge today. One on the topic of culturally sensitive photography in preparation for our visit to Haida Gwaii. Princess Royal Island lies to the west of us with its high point, snow-covered peak 3,340 feet above sea level. On this rainy day the waterfalls tumbled down like white rivers from the misty heights, pouring their freshwater into the saltwater upon which we sail. An array of keen eyes scanned the horizon from the Bridge this afternoon keeping a lookout for spirit bears and other wildlife.  Perseverance paid off and as a special treat before dinner we were able to watch a humpback whale mother and calf feeding.