Mr. Vancouver must have been having a bad day back in 1792 to call this place “Desolation Sound,” because our day was relaxation-bound in this beautiful corner of the British Columbian coastline. We sailed the morning into the forever waters of the Tla’amin, leaving Vancouver’s island and historical misery in our wake. Windows of blue skies peeked out from behind billowing nimbus and wispy cirrus as we arrived at Tenedos Bay.

Some went on hikes through the explosion of maple leaves in full fall color and into the lush forest filled with recently sprouted mushroom fruits. Others explored the islands via their own paddle power beneath the bald eagles and kingfishers as they kayaked around the steep cliffs of the interior batholiths. And still others chose to cruise the bay aboard Zodiacs, using vortices from the prop to bring the boiling moon jelly bloom closer to the surface to investigate. We also saw touring harbor seal haul outs in the stunningly quiet, resplendent Desolation Sound.

Now, onward to Alert Bay to continue the ad-Venture!