The Galápagos Islands are a dream for photographers, or anyone interested in observing nature. Today we explore Española Island, the eastern-most island in the archipelago, and also geologically the oldest island.

Galápagos sea lions and the endemic Española mocking bird greet us as we step on shore a perfect sandy beach in Gardner Bay just after sunrise.  It’s fun to watch the antics of the sea lions playing in the waves. Meanwhile, the mockingbirds stake out their turf, tussling with each other in family gangs. Laying in the sand, we get down to photograph at eye level. It takes burst mode and a lot frames to get the wings out in full display.

We go back ashore at Punta Suarez for an afternoon hike over a rocky trail to view waved albatross and and Nazca boobies. Standing high on the cliffs over looking the Pacific Ocean reminds us just how remote we really are here, 600 miles from the mainland coast of Ecuador.  We challenge ourselves, photographing the birds in flight as they swoop past the cliff edge, riding the updrafts.

Warm afternoon light paints the sky with birds in every direction. Underfoot, colorful marine iguanas are seemingly resting on every round volcanic boulder. The iguanas here are more colorful than on other islands, with the males turning red and green this time of year during the mating season.

Back onboard just before dark, we are eager to download and review the images from the day. Indeed, another epic day exploring the Enchanted Isles of Galápagos.