Floreana Island

Today we arrived to Floreana, the “Mystery Island.” Early risers left “breakfastless” in a Zodiac ride to Post Office Bay, where pirates and whalers had originally set foot. We continued the tradition by taking postcards addressed to people somewhere in the world, and delivering them by hand.

Then we joined the sleepy ones in breakfast, and we all got ready for a glass-bottom boat experience, a deep-water jump into the ocean, where snorkelers had a ball, and a search for the mysterious Floreana mockingbird. Many amazing and colorful sea lions were waiting for us all. The elusive Floreana mockingbird was the star of the show, we saw ten!

After lunch, in the early afternoon at Punta Cormorant, paddlers enjoyed the views of Floreana from their kayaks, while others enjoyed the olivine green beach and the opportunity to swim.

The main hike of the day was three quarters of a mile, and took us to the brackish lagoon at the center of Punta Cormorant, where we got a glimpse of three flamingos. Then we walked among incense trees, leather-leafed trees, endemic acacia, and dead bush, to arrive to the white sand beach on the northern side. There, we looked for rays and turtle nests.

A nice afternoon and another day in paradise…