Los Islotes & Isla Espiritu Santo

This morning we arrived at the island of Los Islotes, a small congregation of rocks that provides a sanctuary for California sea lions and other marine life. Clear skies and cool crisp air started the morning off with wonder and excitement. After enjoying a hearty breakfast, all prepared for the Zodiac cruises that would bring us closer to these rocks that inspire pure curiosity in our minds. Getting closer to the sea lions we observed the adults sun bathing and rubbing themselves on the rocks. The pups swam and played below just like children. With pictures and videos being taken on the surface, the time came to head below.

Swimming with these amazing mammals is truly an honor. They glide with such elegance and dignity, it’s impossible for anyone to not be filled with child-like thrill and adventure. Some are elusive while others introduce themselves to you with bubbles and a smile. In that moment, we can see that they are just as interested in us as we are in them. Our imaginations in regard to the notion of these mammals have become reality.

Keeping to the schedule, we pressed on toward the island of Espiritu Santo. Some went kayaking and gazed upon the great blue herons fishing skillfully, others swam with the various fish that congregate together at the sandy bottom. Our day hikers learned all about the island’s vegetation and wild life. Following this great day it seemed doubtful that it could get any better, but once again our expectations became grains of sand compared to the outcome of the moment we all shared.

Meeting together on a small beach sheltered by a rock canyon, we enjoyed incredible food with intriguing company. As the sun went down we were captivated by our surroundings. The beauty and panorama of the night created the perfect setting for bonfire stories and sweet roasted treats. So with a starlit horizon, and laughing gulls to see us off, we headed back to the ship to rest and prepare for the next day. Lying in our cozy beds, we were rocked to sleep by the soft motion of the water, and in all our minds a consistent thought lingered: what will tomorrow bring?