Floreana and Isabela Islands

We woke up with the view of Floreana Island, the mystery island. The first activity in the morning was a fantastic zodiac ride to enjoy the island in the early hours, and to visit famous Post office Bay, where we found postcards to deliver and where we learned more about the human history of the Galápagos.

After breakfast we enjoyed the water. The temperature was just wonderful, and our younger guests on board loved discovering this new world of sea stars and colourful fish. The afternoon found us in Isabela, the largest island. We went to the southern part of it, and visited a lovely tiny fishing village, with flamingos and with tortoises. Our list of new species has grown so much, we spotted new plants, birds and reptiles, and one of the favourites of all was this frigate that together with many other frigates was involved in an amazing fight over a sea lion placenta. We could really see how good frigates are in flight, and how cleptoparasitic they are, eating whatever is available and stealing from each other.