Isabela Island

We opened our eyes today to find ourselves surrounded by volcanoes. The first one within close range of view was not exactly what we had in mind, though. It was flat on the top and sharp edges at the sides, giving us the sense of observing anything but a volcano. The name of this formation famous in the Galápagos Islands is roca redonda or “round rock”.

Its elevation was not impressive at all since it does not surpass more than 150 feet in height. However, if the entire submerged volcano was to be risen above the sea level, it would then become the highest volcano in the Galápagos Islands.

The coloration reflected on its hills is superb, giving us the chance to obtain the best picture of a landscape yet. There were a lot of birds, both endemic and native, flapping rapidly along the cliff and adding a dramatic touch to the scenery. Just as we were about to finish our best piece of art, dolphins appeared out of the blue, riding along side the ship enchanting us with their incredible flips and flops.