Today we anchored inside a caldera known as Darwin Bay on Genovesa Island. We walked on a sandy trail where we saw several swallow tailed gulls, red footed boobies in their nesting area and got to observe them being chased by Great frigate birds. The morning was very sunny and some of our guests stayed on the beach after the walk while others went snorkeling along the cliffs of the bay. This snorkeling site had great visibility and we saw lots of fish, green sea turtles and even a red spiny lobster by the rocks.

At the end of the morning we all returned aboard for a well-deserved lunch.  This afternoon we headed toward the second site to explore Prince Phillip’s steps. Our first surprise was a short eared owl right by the trail hiding in the bushes and looking for food. We also got to see several juvenile Nazca boobies and one was fed by its mother right in front of our eyes. The late afternoon had great light for photography and all the birds at this location were very active. We observed several red billed tropic birds flying over our heads and one active nest right by the trail.

Our last day here was rewarding and fantastic!