This morning we sailed towards Hvar, and the crew and staff organized the extraordinary chance for everyone on board to take a Zodiac around the Sea Cloud under full sail. It is always a treat to see this lady in her full beauty, and this particular morning the light was perfect so some of the best photos of Sea Cloud and her reflections were taken by our guests. Photographic instructor Max Seigal then took out his flying drone to take photos and videos of the ship and of the crew furling the sails. It was exciting to see this new technology in the hands of such an expert pilot, and the photos that he showed at lunch were unbelievable!

The ship's boutique was also open for the final purchases of the voyage and many used the oportunity to buy something that will always remind them of this wonderful ship and the time spent here together.

During lunch we anchored in front of the town of Hvar. In Hvar we were welcomed by local guides that took us for a walk trough this charming harbor town. The first thing to notice in Hvar was the fragnance of lavender that followed us everywhere. June is the season of lavender and Hvar is a major producer of lavender in Croatia.

After the guided tour was finished, many of us joined other tourists on the beaches of Hvar, or just relaxed walking around the town. Some decided to climb to the citadel above the town but whatever their choice was, they all came back happy with new experiences to talk about back on board.

Sea Cloud remained anchored in Hvar for the evening, and after dinner Max was giving advice about night photography for some, while  others went to the lido bar for one more drink and the nice music played by our pianist Peter Czifra.

It was a perfect ending to one more perfect day on board Sea Cloud.