Today we spent the entire day exploring the large, seahorse shaped island of Isabela. This island is made up of five and a half huge shield volcanoes – and the northern most one, Volcan Wolf, has been erupting for three weeks! This morning we were anchored off Volcan Alcedo and before breakfast Maria led our guests in stretching on the sky deck. After a bountiful breakfast buffet Juan Carlos took a group of fast, long exercise hikers onto the black sand beach, they put on their walking shoes and headed inland. Naturalists Antonio, Benjamin and I took three groups of nature/photography hikers on a mile long walk, and everyone who went out this morning was well rewarded! We found several tortoises of various sizes and a few large passive land iguanas. Both tortoises and land iguanas were superb for our photos as none of them seemed in the least bit perturbed by our presence, so we took dozens of pictures.

Later, back at the beach we watched pelicans and penguins plus a lone sea lion pup as they dove, fed and wand swam.  We thoroughly enjoyed the peace and quiet and opportunity to just “chill” on this pristine, black beach in the tropical sun. Benjamin and panguero Ruben took the kids out in a Zodiac and gave each one a chance to drive.  They sped and looped over the waves and into the salt spray with glee.

We had lunch and then our Photo Instructor, Antonio, fielded photography and camera questions and assisted us with our technique.  After siesta we had several options to choose from: kayaking or snorkeling, and then kayaking, hiking or a panga ride. Ben led the first round of kayakers and they enjoyed a brisk paddle along the shore and spotted cormorants, sea lions, penguins and sea turtles. Juan Carlos and I took the snorkelers out in two Zodiacs and we swam with those same fearless creatures; particularly interesting were the numerous sea turtles that did not mind us at all, and a pair of penguins that zipped below us. Juan Carlos filmed a cormorant searching for his lunch and a rare horn shark.

In the late afternoon Juan took out a second group of kayakers, Antonio took a group of fast hikers, I followed with a small group and we took our time hiking (but still made it to the top for the fabulous view!) and Ben had a full Zodiac of guests who explored along the coast by panga. The golden afternoon light and perfect weather conditions – blue skies and a lovely breeze – made for wonderful outings all around. By 1815 we had all returned to the National Geographic Islander and were happy, tired, and well satisfied after yet another full and interesting day in the magical Islas Encantadas!