After travelling south from Glacier Bay last night, the National Geographic Sea Lion was outside Hanus Bay which lies on the northeast point of Baranof Island. The plan was for walks on a newly improved forest service trail to a salmon stream.  After breakfast the sun was out and the winds calm. It was a perfect morning for a kayak operation as well.

Groups headed off into the woods while others paddled around the small bay watching and listening to eagles and ravens.  All of a sudden, the call came out that a brown bear was seen on one of the small islands.  The bear was small and probably only 4 years old.  He or she was busy munching on grass and waiting patiently for the salmon to make their way from the Pacific Ocean through the fjords and water ways searching for their natal stream.  The kayakers had great views of the bear as he made his way along the grassy shore. The walkers and hikers enjoyed the trail and the many wildflowers that are out right now.  At the end of the walk there were even some swimmers enjoying the sunny beach.

Once back onboard the ship made her way west towards Sergius Narrows. The timing must be accurate to make it through the narrows while the water is slack. The weather continued to cooperate as the ship made her way west to our final destination, Sitka. It was a great finish to a wonderful week in Southeast Alaska.