Our day began with a spectacular sunrise and concluded with a sunset just as incredible. In between, we spent the final day of our voyage weaving through the San Juan Islands. Along the way we managed to find several different types of marine mammals, including harbor porpoises, Steller sea lions, and harbor seals. Our travels concluded at the horseshoe-shaped Sucia Island. Comprised mostly of sandstone, the island served as the perfect platform for an array of activities, including kayaking, Zodiac cruising, and hiking.

To cap it all off, National Geographic Venture’s hotel staff treated us to a marvelous cocktail hour on the beach complete with s’mores and appetizers while the sun dipped beneath the Pacific and lit Mount Baker in a marvelous alpenglow.

It’s hard to believe that our voyage ends tomorrow. Our week has been filled with all the cultural and wild treasures of the Pacific Northwest, and we’ll depart from Seattle tomorrow with plenty of stories and memories.