We started the day with a few prebreakfast activities, including stretching at Chinese Hat islet and kayaking in its stunning channel. We began exploring the area very early, which allowed us to spot various species in action, including sea lions and land and marine birds. After enjoying a delicious breakfast, we got ready for water activities. During lunch, we sailed to Sullivan Bay, a stunning recently erupted lava flow with amazing geological features. The bay is home to the popular Galapagos penguin, with a small population of the only penguins living in the tropics. We ended the day with a beautiful sunset and enjoyed crossing the equator. It was another wonderful day in paradise!
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 24 Jan 2025
Sombrero Chino and Sullivan Bay, 1/24/2025, National Geographic Islander II
- Aboard the National Geographic Islander II
- Galápagos
Galápagos Escape: A 7-Day Voyage
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