With a 6 a.m. wake up call, we headed for a fantastic breakfast full of fresh fruit, French toast, and many other delicious delicacies. We needed our energy for a jungle walk through the forest private reserve known as the Amazon Natural Park. We spotted many interesting things along the walk, and tried our hand at extracting rubber from the rubber tree, which everyone enjoyed. The trail winds through the forest until it reaches the treetop walkways and suspension bridges that provided an incredible treetop view of this amazingly preserved forest.

Back on board, we ate a nice lunch and then enjoyed a presentation of the Amazon region that provided a fantastic overview of where we are and why this region is so special. Then it was time to head back on the skiffs for an exploration of Piraña Caño. We saw a Three Toed Sloth and many birds, including the waddled jacana, horned screamer, and red woodpecker. Before the sunset, we watched as thousands of parakeets return to the island where the nest for the night, always a stunning sight and sound show.

Back to the boat for a Pisco Sour demonstration (and of course, a tasting), followed by a delicious dinner of chicken in mushroom sauce and profiteroles for dessert. Before the day was over we had the opportunity to take a 45 minute stroll in the rainforest to look for night creatures and listen to the sounds of the jungle at night. Many small spiders and other bugs were found, and we also saw a very big tarantula in a tree! A perfect ending to a fantastic day.