We are enjoying an amazing weather that has allowed us to arrange outings before breakfast and our guests have enjoyed them so much. This morning we visited Marayali Creek which connects the Marañón and the Ucayali Rivers.  This place is one of the hotspots for birding as we have species of egrets, jacanas, screamer and many species of small song birds that live either on the forest or on floating vegetation.  

After breakfast as part of our program we scheduled a visit to a small village called Amazonas. It is located at the shore of the Marañón River and surrounded by forest.  Here, were received by the people of the community and leaders who showed us the way of life in the forest how their organizations work and their daily life as farmers or fishermen. They are also amazing weavers as they make a living from making handicrafts of different colors and shapes most represent animals from the jungle.  

Late in the afternoon we reached our destination planned for this afternoon, we tied the ship to a large tree on the shore and we got ready to explore Clavero Lake.  This place is quite special for a diverse type of wild life. Here, we got to see pink and grey fresh water dolphins, squirrel monkeys, pigmy marmosets and a number of raptors including the ever-charming black collared hawk, snail kite and caracaras. Just to mention a few!