Icebergs, whales, penguins, and many other seabirds, glaciers, seals, striking views are some of the words that come to mind when you start thinking about a trip to Antarctica. To actually experience all of them on your very first day on the continent is not something you expect at all! Early in the morning dozens of tabular bergs shined in front of the seemingly deep grey horizon. Closer views revealed hundred of seabirds feeding on the krill that usually shelters from the currents on their lee side; among them Cape or Pintado petrels, fulmars, prions and our first penguins were part of the banquet. Further back, the imposing volcanic walls and glaciers of some of the South Shetland Islands gave little snow free space, readily taken by thousands of Chinstrap and Gentoo penguins hurrying themselves to start breeding as early as possible. As we were making our way thought the scenic English Straits towards our afternoon destination, a pair of Humpback Whales was spotted! Having probably just arrived from their calving grounds in the warm waters near the Equator, they were also feasting on the thick swarms of krill, surely a very welcome meal after their months of fasting. Tails for everyone and we continue our journey south!

Humpback tails like a fingerprint are unique to each individual. They allow the chance for individuals to be identified when compared to the catalogue that scientists compile with everyone’s pictures contribution of previous encounters and vital information is gathered this way. We might be able to match these and know where they have been in the past, thanks to another citizen science based project.

After some briefings, the mandatory decontamination of our clothing and bags and a good lunch we prepared ourselves for our first foray ashore at the heavily snow covered Half Moon Is. Sun? Unexpected but we got it as well. The island became a paradise, Chinstraps going up and down the hill in pristine snow lazily overlook by a couple of Weddell seals and some nesting Antarctic Terns. Incredible views during a hike that took us to a couple of vantage viewpoints surrounded the island and ended right at the main penguin colony. It all seemed to come together on our very first day!

A snow slide? We got that during our hike too! Back onto the Zodiacs for a short run to the Explorer with time to celebrate such a magnificent day and prepare ourselves for our exploratory morning on the Weddell Sea.