Today we will be setting foot on the largest island in the Galapagos archipelago, Isabela.

We start our day very early for photo groups, who will be landing on a black sandy beach where turtles come to lay eggs throughout the year. Not too far from the beach we encounter a couple of giant tortoises, which gladly pose for our avid paparazzi, and even walk up to us. What a great beginning to our day.

We continue our walk, next encountering the beautiful male land iguanas along the path, warming up to head off in order to find food and possibly a territory with females.

These and many more creatures, like the various land bird species that live here, are great subjects for photo opportunities. It has been a very successful photography outing. As the morning comes to an end, some of us take a quick refreshing dip in the ocean.

The afternoon offers various activities, beginning with kayaking along the coast of Tagus Cove for wildlife watching. Penguins, turtles, cormorants and some sea lions are common in this area.

Later we prepare for snorkeling, where we have the opportunity to see the always marvelous penguins, graceful sea turtles, surprising cormorants, playful sea lions and an endless number of other marine creatures.

An invigorating fast paced hike to a nearby ash cone offers a great chance to see a fantastic view of the lake within it. Very salty water with outstanding colors on the edges and surrounded by picturesque palo santo trees make up the impressive scenery.

Others choose to take a Zodiac ride along the coast for interesting wildlife sightings. It has been another great day in the incredible Galapagos Islands.